... Consultancy and Design ...
We prepare a range of formal and informal reports, tailored to specific client needs.
We prepare Bushland Management Plans,
Riparian Rehabilitation Plans and Property Plans;
and have the expertise and resources to implement these plans.
We have provided plans for DA and 3A permit applications,
reports for Land & Environment Court disputes,
plans for inclusion as public positive covenant conditions
on the land title for sub-divisions, and plans for farms,
small acreages and community commons.
We offer bushland sensitive garden design services,
varying from formal reports and plans, to sketches,
depending upon the client’s needs.
From time to time, we provide specialist expertise
for education or research programs.
The objective of the nursery is to support our consulting and
project services, so our seed collecting activities often focus
on the needs of particular clients or projects. However,
we do collect some local seed for general regional use,
as the planning cycle for many projects is often too short to
allow a specific collection.
Our nursery is unusual in that we focus on local diversity,
many of our species are generally unavailable commercially.
We propagate from (mostly) local sources to provide plants for
revegetation and other environmental repair projects.